About us
Who we are and what we value
CI Employment has the ability to see the true potential in people, as well as providing an insightful perspective in the job market. As an employment agency, we provide services that smoothly connect employers with future employees.
CI operates from a people’s centred perspective to prioritize human relationships and connections above all else. CIE’s team meets in person with employers and employees to assess and evaluate emerging needs, personal interests, core values, as well as short and long-term personal, career, and business goals. There is a follow-up period through which employers and employees have the chance to express each of their own voices and views. Consequently, after job placement, CIE keeps maintaining an active role in guaranteeing complete satisfaction to all clients involved.
CI Employment operates as a bridge between employers and individuals
For the Employee
CIE also brings an opportunity for growth and success: to find companies that respect the need for a successful job placement where each unique talent is respected and valued. CIE is also aware and considerate of the needs of a newcomer for a favourable settlement in Canada and the needs of a local company owner for keeping costs manageable, guaranteeing long-lasting opportunities for work and growth to its employee force.
For the Employer
CIE represents an opportunity for stable growth and enduring successful relationships with local talents whose diversity and dedication match the companies’ mission, values, and needs for continued growth and expansion.
Vancouver Inclusive Hiring Fair 2020
Bringing companies & People Together
CIE’s faith in the human talent potential, and the power of reinvention, coupled with its reliability, expertise, unique world-view vision, interest to team up with like-minded local associates and its innate enthusiasm make of this company a unique gem in the domestic and international market. CIE encompasses a reliable group of diversified skillset, clear vision, shared core values, methodical goal pursuing, and unique interpersonal approach, all geared to achieve wide-ranging individual and corporate satisfaction.
CIE can very well act as ‘the matchmaker of the job market.’ It strives at building successful and long-lasting employment relationships, where both ends feel that their needs, values, and uniqueness are respected, considered and utilized for a successful, rewarding and long-term business and personal expansion.